Saturday, June 27, 2015

San Francisco Thrue My Eyes

I went to the well know city, San Francisco as a photography assignment to myself. To see me put all my skills into action, so i got my camera, hopped into the car and went to SF with a fully loaded camera ready to shoot!
Now I will admit that most of the pictures didnt come out the way i hope beacause of the fog and dual weather, the lighting in the sky was terrible. But even with these downfalls I did not let this ruin  my trip. I got my camera and I shot the best to my abilities. I still had fun and I still love my results and I hope you do too so please leave me your feedback and I hope you enjoy!!!
Also you will see details in some pictures with nice texture,depths of field,rule of thirds& a little of HDR.

Now personally. I do Not like SF baseball team, I do Not like there football team but i DO LOVE there city!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

HDR Saannn!!!!

So I was looking at todays weather and it looked perfect to do some HDR work. So I got my camera and got a few but also great shots for HDR. Now this is only a few,but know theres a lot more to come,so I hope you all enjoy and please leave your feedback!!

Please know im not done fully editing these but I wanted you guys to see these cool HDR effects!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cortes Shoes (Photo journalism)

I never thought having a pair of shoes can have a big impact on life. From outta the box, thru crime and violence to finally feeling free.

Getting a pair of Cortez Shoes at a young age can first just seem to be a nice,cool pair of  shoes.little did i know that it came with a price.Stepping ouuta the house I didn't know what to expect.
 A life of being labeled for crime made it hard to have a social life,getting stopped by cops on a regular bases just for looking suspicious. It finally gave me reason to always carry an identification card. It makes you not even wanna kick it after dark

 Death was also a common thing growing up,just for being labled as a gangmember. Losing alot of homies, young and old. Hearing how so many funerals are being planned. To going to car washes just to make it possible to bury loved ones.
 It was too much to bare,to much to pay just for being in a gang,but worst of all,it was over a pair of shoes. So i got smart,put the Cortez shoes away, turning a new leaf. Finally chose to stop being a little boy and start being a man. Just know "Dont judge me if you havent walked in my shoes"- Lil Rob

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Back to the Past (Redemtion)

 So ill be honest i didn't like my first results in Old Sacramento,so i chose to come back for redemption. So here i am back in Old Sacramento,please let me know what you think. i would also like to say all this was done with my smartphone,it was a challenge but great results. Lets you know that anyone with a camera devise can become an amazing photographer!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beauty at school.

Originally these Outdoor&Indoor Portraits of my friends Karla &Xochi were extras,but after looking thru them again i changed my mind so i hope you enjoy&please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I'm always up for feedback!

 Now Im re-uploading this one because i edited it in a better way,im leaving the other one up so you can compare them